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June 27, 2011

Buck Knives Tour

Buck Knives
Are you a knife collector? We are not but our dear friends Sue and Bob are. I never thought to ask how many they have – but I know since being here they have 4 new ones. They took us to Buck Knife factory in Post Falls, ID about 10 miles from us. They have a cute little store in which we visited.

I have a funny little story about our visit. I was watching a video they had up on their television that was filmed at least a good – 5-10 years ago and so it was about the history of the Buck family. Chuck Buck was talking next to his son (sorry forgot his name) when I happen to look out into the hall because there where people talking. LOL I so kid you not it was Chuck himself talking to a customer. But what the real joke of the story is that he was wearing the very same shirt in the video. Then my smarty pants husband dared me to walk up to Chuck and say: How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood. Now I am known for pulling off such stunts without a second thought – BUT in this case because he was with a customer I dared not do that. 

So here are some picture from that day’s visit – I loved the museum and was amazed at the history of the company – I had no idea how huge this small family company was/is….. And there store prices are way way way cheaper than their catalog or web site – so if you are a collector get on over to Bucks soon!!


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  1. Who is the fatty!

  2. the knives look great, another place to add to our list

  3. I think you should have asked him anyway~~ Very funny. My Hubby doesn't collect them, but does like a good pocket knife.

  4. I inherited my father's pocket Buck knife when he passed away. I carry it with me all the time and I find it has become very useful.
    Glad to see you back online.


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