Despite physical and psychological limitations that might motivate some folks to park the RV permanently, Marshal Morgan and his wife, Shauna “Cat” Mulligan-Morgan, continue to enjoy the lifestyle they love. Motivated by theirs and other stories of disabled RVers, the couple created Today’s Nomad, a growing community of fellow RVers dedicated to the RV lifestyle despite the challenges created by advancing age or physical and psychological limitations. The Morgans’ profound hope that “all those who seek the solace of the wondrous outdoors may continue to experience the healing songs of nature that soothe the spirit and indelibly touch the soul.”
Following graduation, Marshal Morgan gravitated to hospitality management. After several successful years in the industry, health issues began to derail his promising career. Marshal was determined to take the cards he held … and deal them. Presiding over Vegas gaming tables, Marshal watched players hit and miss while the odds continued to stack against him. First PTSD. Then COPD, a degenerative lung condition that left him unable to work. Tired of simply playing the hand he was dealt, Marshal decided to push “all in” to a lifestyle he had learned to love as a tent-camping Cub Scout and continued to enjoy through adulthood. He hooked up his fifth wheel and headed off into “come what may.”

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