RV Fans Who Follow Our Adventures

June 27, 2011

Buck Knives Tour

Buck Knives
Are you a knife collector? We are not but our dear friends Sue and Bob are. I never thought to ask how many they have – but I know since being here they have 4 new ones. They took us to Buck Knife factory in Post Falls, ID about 10 miles from us. They have a cute little store in which we visited.

I have a funny little story about our visit. I was watching a video they had up on their television that was filmed at least a good – 5-10 years ago and so it was about the history of the Buck family. Chuck Buck was talking next to his son (sorry forgot his name) when I happen to look out into the hall because there where people talking. LOL I so kid you not it was Chuck himself talking to a customer. But what the real joke of the story is that he was wearing the very same shirt in the video. Then my smarty pants husband dared me to walk up to Chuck and say: How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood. Now I am known for pulling off such stunts without a second thought – BUT in this case because he was with a customer I dared not do that. 

So here are some picture from that day’s visit – I loved the museum and was amazed at the history of the company – I had no idea how huge this small family company was/is….. And there store prices are way way way cheaper than their catalog or web site – so if you are a collector get on over to Bucks soon!!


Web Service & Donation

June 21, 2011

Quality Service Inc

Today is June 15, 2011 and by the time I am able to publish this will be a week behind. Again we have no inet and counting the days till we have it once again. 30 days (of course that is going by the date of June 15, 2011).

Of course the sky is yet gray again and just within minutes it will rain upon us again. However, today will be about COLD rain. I have no right to complain and I understand how shellfish that may come across seeing Texas and Arizona with all of its fire and lack of rain – I should be so lucky.  Everything is so green and beautiful and that cannot be taken for granted and so I apologize.

We have recently met a handful of local residents and what we are not use to, is “The Welcome Wagon” theory. I am so in love with the folks who choose to live here in Rathdrum. They have been full of grace and acceptance to us. We are told to have empty bellies this coming summer for fresh vegetables and such treats. Now how wonderful and giving is that?


What is QSI – well it is the company we work for: Quality Services, Inc. which is owned and operated by Rick and Shelley. You can visit their web site www.quality-services-inc.com and see for yourself how they work. One of their clients Inland Empire Paper Company (since 1911) is the client Jorge and I are Gate Keepers for.  They have a total of 7 major gate accesses: Brickel Creek, Mt. Spokane, Thompson Creek, Mica, Scenic Lodge (this is our gate), Fish Creek and Tesemini. And I have to say we won’t get much of a chance to check out all the gates because there is over 144,000 acreage of land between us. Can you imagine having that sort of playground?

What we do is a little different from the other gates only because we have such a unique situation of where our gate is locate. We have State Land as well as Private land all around us and so with State Land offering free usage of their land along with 2-weeks of camping (I am telling you one of the coolest area to camp in too – a must visit bucket list). Now with QSI we sell and check permits and log all that enters the area regardless if it’s for private, state land use or IEP use. And chat with everyone we encounter and help educate them on the importance of proper use of IEP land – such things like the proper fire gear – the one thing we do have to police is if they have their equipment because it is a state law and I love this law because it makes things safer and easier for us to handle.
Permits we sell are for DAY USE ($10) but if you’re smart like most of the folks around here are to purchase a yearly permit for $40 for a single or $60 for a family. What these permits include is the land use in which you can take out 5 cords of wood (I am so not kidding – this helps out so many of the locals considering a cord of wood can cost up to $200-300 a cord), mushroom picking, berry picking (huckleberry’s), ATV’s/motorcycles, mountain biking, hiking, hunting and Christmas trees. So much to do here it’s amazing. We are just having so much fun….

Here are some more pictures that we’d like to share!! ENJOY!!

Web Service & Donation

June 14, 2011

Rathdrum, Idaho

INET will be up July 14 and I am so counting down the days.... I hate not doing my blogs daily.... I miss you guys/gals big time and I just have so much to share....

Today the rain decide not to do just that rain - I am a duck now I kid you not!! BUT we can't complain we are just having so much fun up here and super glad we took on this job - we just love the BIG boss (although she is a tiny women - but fierce in the hard working department never seen one like her - always a big smile on her face when ever we see her and always thanking us and making sure we are happy - how could we not be with service like that and better yet our office view).

So just sharing today - plain pictures and to let you know we miss our blogging world big time - soon we'll share - share and share some more - we have so many amazing history facts of the area we are camped at just because the wonderful folks of Rathdrum took a major shine to us and have been sharing their stories... We love the folks here!!

Web Service/Donation/Cup of COFFEE


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