Well two out of three packages came in. Check out the photos.... My movies came in - I am trying to get as many Christmas movies as I can because we celebrate Christmas a little different. We make blankets and sneak them to peoples front doors and run off. We pick the poorest houses or the sweetest elderly houses instead of spending tons of money on ourselves. We believe that people at this time of year forget the true meaning of giving and receiving. Last year was our first year doing this and the both of us where in tears for the joy we where able to share with complete strangers. We leave no name but a card stating our love for them and that we hope to put a smile on their faces and that human kindness does exist in the world. Then we have a our Christmas dinner and watch movies!
My yarns came in - well some of them. Jorge just nods and laughs and continues to call me the DRUNKEN SAILOR - I'm just a smart shopper that's all. I always go for free shipping and buy everything on clearance - cha ching.....
I bought a book my friend Stephanie told me I must read - Stephanie is the author of a knitting comic book - check out her link: http://www.comicknits.com/
a brilliant young women who's got more energy in the business world then anyone I've ever meet. I'm a bit sad because the last time I seen Stephanie and John was in Lake Siskiyou http://www.reynoldsresorts.com/LakeSiskiyou.html where we had a blast and I learned how to spin yarn - although I do need a re-cap on the lessons....
And oh my popcorn fabric for the couch cushions and table bench cushions...
www.jofabrics.com The foam did not arrive and hope that it will be here tomorrow. So that leaves us with nothing to do on Jorge's day off. ummmm what to do? Most likely head to the library and get some more free DVD rentals.... We love the Mammoth Library and they seem to spoil Jorge big time - lol..... I do have some hats to finish up and get some other things done. Tonight I have to work for my boss and that will be the bulk of my night so I'll be doing caffeine big time.
I so forgot my glasses also came in - gotta know what you think of the picture - do leave a comment!
Hope you all have a great time and sure hope you enjoy the blog!